Cookie Notice

  • Become a Student
  • Admitted Students
  • Families
  • Families

    Welcome to the Goucher Community!

    This offer of admission reflects on your student's outstanding talent and ability, as well as your support and encouragement.

    The right college education can make all the difference. Goucher College offers a lot of value:

    What's Next

    1. Register for one of our Live Family Online Chats. Send questions that you’d like answered to Goucher community members and they will answer them live during the event. 

    2. If your student applied for financial aid, offers of financial aid are included with the offer of admission for students whose financial aid applications are complete.

    3. When your student is ready to enroll, complete the Online Reply to Offer of Admission by credit card or electronic check.

    4. Schedule a family campus visit, check out the Gopher Day page or schedule your own personal visit to campus.

    5. Ask questions and stay informed; we are here to help you. Be sure to check in often for the latest news and information.

    Families at Goucher